Thursday, September 16, 2010

The New Chair

We were excited to order the Bebe Pod chair for Ada. For now, it will help strengthen her neck and eventually she will be able to hang out in it while I'm moving around the kitchen. It also comes with a tray (and cool attachable toy!) so she'll also be able to use it as a high chair at some point. We've been practicing with it for just a few minutes each day. So far she's not that impressed with the toy, but I think she's figured out that it puts her in the perfect position to practice her new favorite activity:
Licking her clothing. Lately, if she's been wearing anything remotely loose, her hands are pulling it up and her tongue is out every few seconds. She actually cried when I pulled a onesie tight and out of reach. I guess it's probably adding a little fiber to her diet?


  1. Ada and her tongue! I love it! She looks so cute and chubby in these pictures! And she looks so grown up too! Can't wait to see her in October!

  2. Okay, I know all babies are cute. But this one is exceptional. What a face! Love that little tongue!
