Thursday, September 2, 2010

I hate thinking of titles for these posts

We are finally back from a long "weekend". We left last Friday to begin our adventures (and doctors appointments). Warning: All of this is horribly under-represented by photos. We had 3 cameras with us, but I'm not sure we got a single one.
We headed up to my grandparents cabin at Bear Lake. I used to spend at least a few weekends there every summer as a kid, but haven't been back for 5 years- and Bryan and Ada had never been there. We got to spend some good relaxation time with Obachan and Ojichan and Carol, Mike and Ellie. It's hard to believe that Ellie is only 6 months older than Ada- their development is in such different stages right now. But soon, we're sure, they will be enjoying each others company and playing together like old friends. We attempted to go swimming in the lake, but instead got sandblasted and only stayed a few minutes. Luckily we were still able to get raspberry shakes.
After spending the night at Bear Lake - in which Ada slept 6 hours in a row!!!- we headed back through Logan to see our old college friends Trish and Bentley. We haven't seen them since our wedding, but it didn't seem like that long. They are always entertaining and it was nice to catch up. It's nice to know that you have friends that, no matter how long it's been, you can always pick up where you left off.
On the way back to South Jordan, we were able to see the Hansen side of the family, but Ada was finally in such a bad mood from being dragged around in the car, we couldn't stay long. She had a hard time adjusting to all the new surroundings she was thrown in this trip. She is a very tolerant girl.
The rest of the trip consisted of errand-running and 3 doctors appointments. Ada received her first set of immunizations, which she dealt with very well. The nurses were well-practiced, and gave her 2 shots at the same time and a 3rd in the instant after. Ada screamed for a few seconds, then pretty much passed out. She also did well at her eye appointments and everything is looking great. While we were waiting to check in to our contact lens appointment, I heard a girls voice behind us saying "Mom! I just saw a baby with the same patch I used to wear!" We ended up talking to this girl and her mom, finding out that this 6 year old also had a unilateral cataract found when she was 5 days old. Like Ada, she had her lens removed at 5 weeks and had been wearing contacts and patches since. This was so exciting for us! Knowing that it is a relatively rare condition, we haven't been surprised that there isn't a lot of information or advice to be found. We've searched online, only to find a random post on a forum or blog so I couldn't believe that we were face to face with a girl who had gone through exactly what Ada will be going through. It was such a relief to find out that what we are doing with Ada is likely going to work! We didn't know if it was appropriate to ask for their phone number or not, so we didn't, but I regret it. Throughout the day, we thought of hundreds of questions we wanted to ask them. Regardless, it was so great getting advice and reassurance from people who knew what we were dealing with.
Anyway, we are home now. And we don't have to leave for two months! Ada is growing up fast. She's "talking" more, smiling more and getting more personality every day. We'll put up some pictures soon.

1 comment:

  1. Man, I wish you'd had more time to ask her questions too! I have many as well! I'm glad that the healing is going so well--she looks healthy and happy and I can't wait to meet her!
