Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Did you hear the one about the pregnant lady who went past her due date???...


But, things are still going well. We are mostly comfortable since the weather has cooled off significantly and we had three day of rain - the first substantial anything for three months. And everyday longer that Ada spends in the womb further prepares her to fight off mountain lions or survive on the arctic sea ice. And everyday longer she is a few layers of skin away lets Ma and Pa still be Stacy and Bryan. We did throw her a small "zero" birthday party, cake included!

We are exciting to see her and feel like it won't be much longer. The betting pools around town currently have good odds on the 20th. And her status as a new consumer was further cemented today as we got a new video camera! We will be in Cedar City tomorrow for, hopefully, our final checkup.

The spring wildflower extravaganza continues on. Here are a few photos of the desert temporarily looking like Holland:

Ahh... When the wind isn't howling (50 mph today) spring can be pleasant.

1 comment:

  1. Moms and dads have to be patient too... consider this training for what's to come. I love how you guys are making the most of it and keeping your spirits up. (My bet is on the 22nd)
