Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bloody Mess

Ada had her first real injury a few days ago. Bryan was showering with her and I was standing at the edge helping rinse her off. She was holding a rubber duck and we noticed blood on it. A couple of minutes prior, she had knocked a razor off it's hook and we had barely even noticed. After we saw blood, we realized she had actually grabbed onto it and cut her fingertip. I, of course, started panicking- there was so much blood! I don't think it hurt her until I got her out and started drying her off. That's when she started crying (and I felt like crying).

I sat with her for 1/2 hour and put pressure on the finger and it finally slowed down. I was much more scared than I needed to be, but luckily Bryan was there to trim skin and apply bandages in a reasonable manner. Ada kept trying to eat those bandages, so we put a sock on her hand and she thought nothing more of it. She was such a champ.

Who knew so much blood could come out of such a little wound?

A couple of days later, you can barely tell anything happened. The human body is amazing!


  1. I can't wait to see her--will you guys be in Escalante in June? I'll be passing through and would love to give little Ada a big hug...

    Glad it was 'just a flesh wound'. =) She's as tough as her parents!

  2. oh poor little brave girl. give her a special hug and gentle kisses from us.

  3. Oh my god. Isn't it the worst? I found Abby a few months ago in our room with the door shut (which she does when she is being naughty) and she had my razor. No idea how she got it, but she had cut her thumb on it and then touched her face everywhere. I thought she had cut her face all over on it!! Anyway, it took forever to get the thumb to stop bleeding. Stupid razors.

  4. Sus, I bet that was terrifying (but maybe funny in retrospect?). When Ada and Abby finally meet, they can compare war wounds!

  5. Poor little Ada. I miss her very much.
