Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Our Little Pirate

Ada is doing well with her new contact lens. We, as parents, though, are still getting used to it. Last night, she woke up from a short nap and the contact was gone. We looked everywhere for it with no success and were sure we were going to have to pay for another one. Then after a couple of hours, it peeked out of the corner of her eye. Oops.
She's also been wearing a patch for an hour or two a day to make sure she's using the eye with the contact. She definitely doesn't enjoy that time of day, but we do our best to distract her. We have to be a little creative,though- she's not really into her toys yet.


  1. Aargh! She's going to be the coolest kid in school. Everyone wants to be a pirate! Glad she's doing so well, and I'm sure she will become easier and easier to distract with each passing day!

  2. I don't envy you trying to entertain her...Abby would have flipped out! Still would in fact. She's adorable, even with a patch.

  3. Awwww!!! She's getting so chubby! I think she's starting to look a little like Ellie. Which means she's super cute! :)
