So, Stacy and I have been waiting anxiously the past month for Kid A's big ultrasound. We didn't realize last time we went to the doc that the ultrasound wasn't just for gender purposes, but a full exam, and Kid A wasn't big enough. Well, if Stacy's swelling belly was any indicator, the little one is definitely big enough now. Check these out:
This is a lateral cross-section of the little one snuggling up to mommy's placenta. It was a very different lay of the land compared to last time. In November, it looked the Kid A was out for a spacewalk. Now Kid has gone spelunking.
Feet! Kid did its best to not hold still at all during the exam. It was pretty mesmerizing watching the cross-section change as limbs were flailing and as the tech chased Kid around. It made it difficult, but she was able to get a few 3D composites.
Yeah, these can look a little strange, but it was actually a lot of fun. After the business part of the exam, the tech spent time just letting us get to know Kid. The image below is pretty cool.
So now the gender question. The "science" of genetics tells us that its a 50/50 chance of boy or girl, and apparently it is my chromazone-whatermajig that determines the sex. But we, like most folks we know actively reproducing, are proving that it is actually 80/20 in favor of a GIRL! Yes, we a having a girl. Libby will have an evil-twin cousin, Claire gets a comrade in battling the nephews, Lucy gets a girlfriend, Ellie may get some competition in cuteness and we get a daughter. Stacy could also use the reinforcements in keeping me in line. Here is the evidence (and my first chance to publicly embarrass Kida):
While our last ultrasound exam truly brought the reality of our pregnancy to us, it was during a stressful situation and really scary at first. This exam was simply awesome. We're trying not to get too carried away with our pre-natal curiosity until the little one finally pops out, and I think that some of the fetal test and exams available are excessive and obsessive, but the 45 minutes we spent looking a bizarre cross-sections and creepy mummy-like renditions of our girl is some of the strongest bonding I've ever experienced, both with Stacy and our daughter. It was comforting to see her healthy and safe with Mom. I can't wait to see her again in a few months.
So now that everyone can stop asking us what we are having, it time to start bugging us about names. We've decided to be open about our deliberations so here are our top-five choices:
#1 $heb@ (a more modern spelling of Sheba)
#2 Mini-Mina
#3 Kida
#4 Obamarina
#5 Noyoucannothaveapony
Any Suggestions?